Effect of Micromeritics Property on Preformulation: Particle Size, Particle Shape & Density

1.      Particle Size:
·         Characterized using these term:
o   Very coarse (#8)
o   Coarse (#20)
o   Moderately coarse (#40)
o   Fine (#60)
o   Very fine (#80)
·         Size of the particles may be expressed as follows:
o   Surface diameter, ds
o   Volume diameter, dv
o   Projected diameter, dp
o   Stokes diameter, dst
o   Sieve diameter, dsieve
o   Volume – surface diameter, dvs – same volume to surface area ratio

Table 1.1: Common Techniques for Measuring Fine Particles of Various Sizes
Particle size
(micro meters)
Light scattering
0.5 - 50

Methods to determine particle size:
·         Sieving:
o   Simple & inexpensive
o   Dry powder require
·         Microscopy:
o   Particle size determine by calibrated grid background
o   Calibration factore: 
o   (No. of division of stage micrometer/No. of division of eye-piece micrometer)*100
o   Slow and tedious method
·         Sedimentation method:
o   Andersen pipette is used
o   Particle size calculated by stokes law
o   Where,
§  h = distance fall in time, t
§  no = viscosity of medium
§  ps = density of particles
§  po = density of dispersion medium
§  g = gravitational acceleration
§  t = time
·         Light scattering:
o   Particle size determine by the diversion of light pathway that reaching the sensor.
o   Quick and fast
Particle size effect on following:
·         Formulation:
o   Uniform particle size and shape have good flow properties
o   Uniform size particle produce good & uniform dispersion
o   Uniform size produce good compaction during tablet manufacturing
§  Defects in tablets have less chances
o   Size alsoplays a role in the homogeneity of the final tablet.
o   Large differences in size exist between the active components and excipients,  de-mixing effects can occur.
·         Bioavailability
o   Uniform and smaller size particles have good absorption and therefore good bioavailability.
o   For example, the bioavailability ofgriseofulvin and phenacetin is directly related tothe particle size distributions of these drug
o   It is now generally recognized that poorly soluble drugs showing a dissolution rate- limiting step in the absorption process will be more readily bioavailable when  administered in a finely subdivided state than as a coarse material
·         Stability:
o   Smaller particle (in colloidal range) improve stability of dispersion
o   Bcz,
§  Brownian motion observed
§  Therefore sedimentation is law

2.      Particle Shape:

·         Formulation:
o   Sphere particle have good flow property compare to other
o   Irregular shape particle have not good flow property because they cloge during movement
o   Packing and compaction property depend on particle shape
o   Parenteral formulation have only sphere particles
·         Bioavailability:
o   Surface area  à Dissolution à absorption
o   Surface area also depend on shape of particle
o   Increase surface area à increase bioavailability
·         Stability:
o   Sphere particle take more time to stable compare to other shape of particle

3.      Density:
The ratio of mass to volume is known as density
·         Types of density:
o   Bulk density:
§  Bulk drug powder is sieved through 40 mesh screen. Weight is taken and poured into a graduated cylinder via a large funnel. The volume is called bulk volume.
o   Tapped density:
§  Bulk powder is sieved through 40 mesh screen.
§  Weight is taken and poured into a graduated cylinder.
§  The cylinder is tapped 1000 times on a mechanical tapper apparatus.
§  The volume reached a minimum – called tapped volume.
o   True density: It actual density of the solid material.
§  Solvents of varying densities are selected in which the powder sample is insoluble.
§  Small quantity of surfactant may be mixed with the solvent mixture to enhance wetting and pore penetration.
§  After vigorous agitation, the samples left to stand undisturbed until floatation or settling has reached equilibrium.
§   The density of that solvent is determined accurately with a pycnometer.
o   Granule density:
§  may affect compressibility, tablet porosity, disintegration, dissolution
·         Source of variation of bulk density:
o   Method of crystallization, milling, formulation.

·         Bulk density:
o   Bulk density is required during the selection of capsule size for a high dose drug.
o   In case of low dose drug mixing with excipients is a problem if the bulk densities of the drug and excipients have large difference.
·         Tapped density:
o   Knowing the dose and tapped density of the formulation, the capsule size can be determined.
·         True density:
o   From bulk density and true density of powder, the void volume or porosity can be measured.


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