Practical: Determination of Angle of repose, Carre's Index & Hausner ratio of given powder

Aim: Determination of Angle of repose, Carre's Index & Hausner ratio of given powder


  1. L. Lachman
  2. CVS Subramanyam
Apparatus: Funnel, beaker, measuring cylinder, funnel holding stand
Chemicals: Lactose, Na. carbonate, Boric acid

Theory topics:

  • Angle of Repose:
    • Introduction, Definition, Equation, Description, various methods of determination, factors affect, Pharmacopoeia specification, effect on flow property
    • Fig: Methods of angle of repose
  • Carr’s consolidation Index (CI)
    • Introduction, Definition, Equation, Description, various methods of determination, factors affect, Pharmacopoeia specification, effect on flow property
  • Hausner’s Ratio:
    • Introduction, Definition, Equation, Description, various methods of determination, factors affect, Pharmacopoeia specification, effect on flow property
Angle of repose:
  • Weighed amt. of powder was taken (lactose-5gm, na. bicarbonate-10gm, Boric acid-10gm)
  • Weighed powder Pass from 10 mesh sieve
  • Set assembly of funnel with a clamp or on ring support over a glass plate
  • Keep the stem orifice of funnel blocked by thumb & transfer the powder into funnel
  • Adjust the height of funnel as that, about 6.4 mm gap is maintained between the bottom of funnel stem & pick/top of powder pile.
  • Repeat the step until gap difference not maintained as defined
  • Measure the angle of repose when powder is emptied from funnel
  • Make outer edge of pile on blank paper with pencil and find out diameter of pile
  • Measure the height of the pile using two rulers
  • Calculate the angle of repose from radius & height
Carre’s Index:
  • Weighed amt. of powder was taken (lactose-5gm, na. bicarbonate-10gm, Boric acid-10gm)
  • This powder was transfer to measuring cylinder and the volume of powder was noted as bulk volume.
  • From that by using weight of powder bulk density was calculated.
  • Now according to IP powder was tapped 100 times manually and the volume of powder was noted as tapped volume.
  • Put the value in formula  and calculate CI
Hausner Ratio:
  • Weighed amt. of powder was taken (lactose-5gm, na. bicarbonate-10gm, Boric acid-10gm)
  • This powder was transfer to measuring cylinder and the volume of powder was noted as bulk volume.
  • From that by using weight of powder bulk density was calculated.
  • Now according to IP powder was tapped 100 times manually and the volume of powder was noted as tapped volume.
  • Put the value in formula  and calculate CI

Observation Table:
Name of Powder
Height = h (cm)
Radius = r = (cm)
Angle of repose
Bulk Volume
Tappped Volume
Bulk Density
Tapped Density
Hausner ratio
Carr’s index

Name of Powder
Angle of Repose
Hausner Ratio
Carre’s Index
Flow property


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