Dissolution Profile:
Dissolution profile is the complete dissolution behavior of a dosage form including dissolution rate and extent of dissolution.
It is graphical representation (Concentration Vs Time) of complete release of A.P.I from a dosage form in  an appropriate selected dissolution medium.

Important of dissolution profile comparison:
  • To study the variations of dissolution profile within a batch or from batch to batch of the same brand to assure uniformity of dissolution and thus bioavailability, specifically in law margin drugs.
  • For optimizing the dosage formula by comparing the dissolution profile of the same A.P.I.
  • Dissolution profile of an A.P.I. reflects its release pattern under the selected condition sets.

Methods for comparison:
  Model Dependent Method
  Model Independent Method

Model Dependent Method:
  Zero order A.P.I. release                                                                                            
  First order A.P.I. release                                                                                            
  Hixson Crowell cube root law                                                                                   
  Takeru Higuchi model                                                                                   
  Weibull model                                                                                    
  Korsemeyar and peppas model
  Zero order A.P.I. release contributes drug release from dosage form that is independent of amount of drug in delivery system. (i.e., constant drug release).

  This release is achieved by making:-
o   Reservoir Diffusional systems
o   Osmotically Controlled Devices

  In this type of release pattern, drug release from dosage form that is dependent on the initial amount of drug in delivery system.

A = Conc. at time‘t’
Ao= Initial Conc. Of the drug
k = Rate const.

  Applied for:    Powder dissolution study
  This law co-relates, the rate of dissolution of drug powder consisting of uniformly sized particles with cube root of weight of particles.

  Mo = original mass of A.P.I.particles
  K = cube-root dissolution rate constant
  M = mass of the A.P.I at the time „t‟
  Equation is called as Hixson Crowell Cube root law.

  Applied for the suspension type of ointment & drug release from polymer matrix.
  The equation is derived for a system describe as follows:
o   Suspended drug is in a fine state.
o   The amount of drug A, present per unit volume is substantially greater than the Cs, the solubility of the drug per unit volume of vehicle.
o   The surface to which drug ointment is applied is immiscible with respect to the ointment and consist of perfect sink for the released drug.
  Theoretical concentration profile existing in an ointment containing suspended drug and in contact with a perfect sink

  Following equation is known as Higuchi equation.

  Under normal conditions A >>Cs, and above equation  reduces to
   Thus for the release of a A.P.I. from a homogeneous polymer matrix-type delivery system, Higuchi Equation indicates that the amount of A.P.I. released is proportional to the square root of
o   A = the total amount of A.P.I. in unit volume of matrix,
o   D = the diffusion coefficient of the A.P.I. in the matrix
o   Cs = the solubility of A.P.I. in polymeric matrix and
o   t = time. 
  m = % dissolved at time ‘t’
  a  = scale parameter which defines time scale of the dissolution process
  T1 = location parameters which represents lag period before the actual onset of dissolution process (in most of the cases T1 = 0)
  b = shape parameter which quantitatively defines the curve i.e., when b =1, curve becomes a simple first order exponential.

   Empirical expression relates the function of time for diffusion controlled mechanism.
  It is given by the equation
o   Mt / Ma is function of  drug released
o   t = time
o   K=constant includes structural and geometrical characteristics of the dosage form
o   n=release component which is indicative of drug release mechanism.
  Where, n is diffusional exponent.
o   n = 1 , the release is zero order
o   n = 0.5 the release is best desribed by the Fickian diffusion
o   0.5 < n < 1 then release is through amnomalus diffusion or case two diffusion.
o   In this model a plot of persent drug release versus time is liner.
  Violation of underlying statistical assumption
  Models does not predict values with sufficient accuracy.

Model independent method
  Classify in two major classes
1)      Ratio test procedure
2)      Pair wise procedure.
Ratio test procedure:
1)      Ratio test of % dissolved
  For particular sample time, each of the two formulations being compared and mean % dissolved and std. Error are to be compared.
  Standard Error of mean ratio (SET/R) can be determine by Delta method.
  SET/R = [λ (XT/XS)2 ]1/2
o   SET/R = The SE of the mean ratio of test to ref. Std.
o   XT = The mean % dissolved of test
o   XS = The mean % dissolved of std.
o   SET = The std. Error of % dissolved for test
o   SER = The std. Error of % dissolved for std.
  So from mean ratio of % dissolved and SET/R, a 90% confidence interval for XT/XR is to be considered.
  Similar procedure is followed for the ratio of AUC and MDT.
  MDT is calculated by following equation.
o   i = dissolution sample number (e.g. i=1 for 5 min.,i=2 for 10 min. data)
o   n = total number of dissolution sample time.
o   t mid = the time at mid point between i and i – 1
o   M = addition amount of drug dissolved between i and i –1
Time point approach:
  In this approach either the % drug released at a given time(e.g. Y60,Y300,Y480) or the time required for a given % of drug to be released (e.g. t60%,t80%,t90%) are often selected as responses.
   Application: To distinguish good or bad batches where some specific dissolution parameters are predetermined.
  It appears to be inadequate for complete characterization of the profile.
  It is not much problematic in IR pdts. But it has drastic effect with controlled release pdts.
  The choice of single data points for the calculation of meaningful dissolution value is questionable especially when it is related to BE procedure.

2)      Pair wise procedure.
o   These factors are introduced by MOORE and FLANNER in 1996.  This approach is adopted by center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) for USFDA and also by Human Medicine.
o   Evaluation unit of European Agency for evaluation of Medicinal products (EMEA) as criteria for assessment of similarity between two dissolution profiles.
Difference Factor (Æ’1):
o   It calculates the percentage (%) difference between two curves at each time point and is a measurement of the relative error between two curves.

  n = number of time points
  Rt = % dissolved at time t of reference product (prechange)
  Tt = % dissolved at time t of test product (postchange)
  The f1 equation is the sum of the absolute value of the vertical distance between the test and reference mean values.
  f1 = zero(0) when the mean profile are identical and increases proportionally as the difference between the mean profile increase

Similarity factor (Æ’2):
  The similarity factor (Æ’2) as defined by FDA is logarithmic reciprocal square root transformation of sum of squared error and is a measurement of the similarity in the percentage (%) dissolution between the two curves.

o   n = no. of withdrawal points
o   Rt = % dissolved of ref. At time t
o   Tt = % dissolved of test At time t
  Determine dissolution profile of 12 units of each of the test and ref. Pdt.
  A dissolution profile comparison between pre-change and post-change products for SUPAC related changes, or with different strengths, helps assure similarity in product performance.
  In dissolution profile comparisons, especially to assure similarity in product performance, regulatory interest is in knowing how similar the two curves are, and to have a measure which is more sensitive to large differences at any particular time point. For this reason, the f2 comparison has been the focus in Agency guidances.
  Using mean dissolution values for both curves at each time intervals and calculate Æ’1 and Æ’2.
  Æ’1 close to 0 and Æ’2 close to 100 are considered as similar profiles.
  Generally Æ’1 is between 0-15 and Æ’2 is between 50-100 ensures equivalence.
      Similarity factor(Æ’2) is dependent on sampling scheme from apparatus means selection and determination of no. of dissolution time points.  So that when we have same ref. And test pdt., but if no . And time of dissolution time points are differ, they show different results.
  Comparison of dissolution profile of PURE IBU with different formulation of IBUPROFEN.
  Diff. Formulation of IBU are
  Then calculate dissimilarity and similarity factor from data available of the dissolution of these formulation.
  Two formulations exhibiting the different dissolution profiles.
  Data collected from the dissolution as per following procedure.
  Acc. To equation we have find dissimilarity factor Æ’1 = 46.05 and f2 = 34.57

PURE IBU and IBUGESIC are of different formulation.

Because if f1 = 0-15 and f2 = 50-100, it gives similar dissolution profiles between two formulations.
  Two formulations exhibiting the similar dissolution profiles.
Data collected from the dissolution as per following procedure.
  Acc. To equation we have find similarity factor Æ’2 = 85.87
and f1 = 11.76
Results :
  Both the formulation have similar dissolution profile.
Discussion :
  Here differencial factor Æ’1 = 11.76 and Æ’2 = 85.87
  As per specification if f1 is close to zero and Æ’2 is close to 100 then it is considered as similar profile.


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