
Showing posts from March, 2023

Calamine Lotion

  Calamine lotion is a topical medication that can help relieve itching caused by minor skin irritations .  It is usually made by mixing calamine, zinc oxide, glycerin and water with some other ingredients .  There are different methods of preparing calamine lotion, such as using a stainless steel container  or a solution of sodium citrate .  You can watch some videos on how to prepare calamine lotion on YouTube , but be careful not to use it as a makeup primer as some TikTok users have done, because it may cause skin irritation or dryness . Calamine lotion has several benefits for the skin.  It can help relieve itching caused by minor skin irritations, such as insect bites, chickenpox, shingles, poison ivy/oak/sumac and scabies .  It can also help dry out oozing and weeping from these skin conditions .  Some people also use calamine lotion to help manage acne, as it may have anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties due to its zinc content ....

Introduction of Latin to English, weights and measures in dispensing pharmacy

Definition: It is defined as supply of medicine to individual patients according to the prescription written by registered medical practitioner. General dispensing procedure: o    Give the prescription. o    Check out dose and direction of dispensing. o    Dispense the medicine. o    Take a medicine into a container. o    Fix the label onto the container. o    Supply the container to the patient with conditions associated with medicine. Introduction of latin to english translation Latin Terms and Abbreviations Term or Phrase Abbreviation Meaning Quantum q.s.   As much Sufficiat as is sufficient sufficit  as is sufficient Sufficientem q.s. As ...

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