Pharmacy as a Career

Pharmacist Job Opportunity:

Pharmacists start their carrier in various fields of health and industries.

Following are the opportunity for the pharmacist;

Scope for diploma pharmacy (D.Pharm) students:

1.     Community pharmacy

2.     Wholesale/Retail pharmacy

3.     Pharmacist in Hospital

4.     Lab technician in degree institute

5.     Higher education (B.Pharm)

6.     Marketing

Scope for Degree pharmacy (B.Pharm) students:

1.     Community pharmacy

2.     Wholesale/Retail pharmacy

3.     Pharmacist in Hospital

4.     Academics in D.Pharm

5.     Lab technician in degree institute

6.     Higher education (M.Pharm)

7.     Marketing

8.     Drug Inspector

9.     Industries

a.     Production

b.     R&D

c.      Quality control

d.     Quality Assurance

e.     Packaging

f.       Regulatory Affairs

g.      Sale & Marketing

10.  Research

11.  Consultancy

12.  Abroad (work as pharmacist)

13.  Clinical research; etc.


Major Interested Department for Pharmacist:

·       Pharmaceutical Industries:

o   Country has 70% production of pharmaceutical product against requirement.

o   India have industries for production like

§  Formulation

§  API

§  Vaccines

§  Chemicals

o   Number of pharmaceutical industries in india who have approval of USFDA/WHO and they are also compliance with the “Schedule M” , “D & C act” and follow GMP.

o   In india there is 300+ R & D based companies and 5600 small licensed companies are available.

o   60% of whole drug manufactured in India is provided by Gujarat based pharma industry.

o   Pharmacist play a vital role in various department of pharma company like,

§  R&D, Production, QC, QA, Packaging, Sales, Marketing, Manufacturing etc.

·       Pharmacist in Healthcare (Hospital pharmacist)

o   Another important job opportunity in hospital like

§  Multispecialty hospital, PHC, CHC etc.

o   As hospital pharmacist mainly focus on the,

§  Dispensing medicine,

§  Inventory management,

§  Sales and purchase of medicine,

§  Storage and stock management.

§  Patient counseling, etc.


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